Supporting Research, the Foundation for Practice
Our amazing team of volunteers are committed to expanding the field of therapeutic recreation by promoting evidence based practice. We take our convictions and turn them into action. We passionately fundraise throughout the year to provide grants to practitioners conducting recreational therapy research
Founded in 2009 as a 501 c 3 nonprofit organization, the Recreational Therapy Foundation (RTF) has been striving to promote recreational therapy research by providing grants and supporting the Frank N. Basile Award for Excellence within the field.
Recreational Therapy Foundation recognizes the need for quality research to guide practice in health and human services. Therefore, our mission is to promote evidence-based recreational therapy practice through funding research, educating the public about the benefits of recreational therapy, and providing grant education to clinicians.
Your donations go directly to providing our recreational therapy research grants and awards for Excellence in the Field of Therapeutic Recreation. Remember, we are a 501 c 3 nonprofit, so all donations are tax deductible!